Why biological control?
- Biological control refers to replace the use of chemical insecticides with those obtained from biological agents (microorganisms, proteins).
- Biological control involves the racional use of bioinsecticides and biolarvicides, that are innocuous to the health of people and the equilibrium of ecosystems.
- The use of microbial formulations does not cause appearance of resistance as the excessive use of chemical products.
- Nowadays, biotechnology has developed tools for control more powerful than chemical products used the last 50 years.
The Problem of using chemical insecticides.

- They are toxic to mammals, birds, bees and natural enemies of mosquitoes.
- More persistence in the environment, low biodegradability.
- Contamination of underground water and water courses.
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, recommended solution
• WHO recommends specifically the use of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i) as biological insecticide for dipteral control due to its harmlessness, its high potency (LC50< 40 ug/l) and its specificity of diptera.
• The formulations are stable and easy to apply with a sprinkler system.
• The active principle is a protein and it is produced naturally by the bacteria, it does not involve any kind of genetic modification.